Wednesday, January 21, 2009

5 Things To Consider Before You Start Your Blog

By Randy The Hermit
If you are going to start a blog there are some things that you need to consider before you take the plunge. 1.) Free blog service or set up your own - that's the question is it better to use one of the free services like or should you set up your own site with it's own domain name? If you are planning on using your blog to promote an existing business or if you are planning to use it in any way to make money I recommend that you set up your blog on your own site. If you are just using a blog to tell your friends what is going on or to let out your personal rants with no plans to make money with it you should be fine on the free services. If you are running your blog as a business having your own domain name and site will make your blog appear much more professional. Plus it is much easier to optimize your site for the search engines and drive traffic to your site. 2,) What blogging software should you use - you have the choice of lots of software but I recommend you stay with WordPress because it has the most support, the most plugins and the most themes and almost all of them are free and easy to use. 3.) Only blog about one topic - stay on target with your blog. Yes, you can have all kinds of sub-topics but they should all be related to your main niche. Staying on topic for your specific niche will make you the obvious expert and will help on conversions whether you are selling your own product or are referring your readers to affiliate products. You will become known for your niche. Speaking of niches, your niche should be something that you have an affinity for. You don't have to be the expert but you need to like the niche enough that you are willing to put in the work and it helps if you do know enough to know if the post you are entering is good information or bad information. 4.) Use keywords that get searched - a lot of the traffic you get to your blog comes from keywords that are searched in the search engines. Do a little research and see if the keywords you are targeting actually get searched. You can do some quick keyword research using the Google Keyword tool. This will at least tell you if you are working with keywords that get searched. 5.) You should be the star of your blog - let the readers know who you are, put your picture on the blog and a short biography. This will help the reader relate to you and will end up getting you more loyal reader then trying to be an anonymous expert. These are some the most important things to know about blogging if you use these as your guideline you will end up with a blog that you enjoy working on and your viewers enjoy reading.
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