Why spend weeks or months searching for the answer to your online marketing dreams when all you really have to do is find out which niche market holds the best chance of showing an instant profit. I'd like to share with you a simple little niche marketing method that anyone can use to generate an almost instant profit over and over again.
This method is very well suited to new niche marketers, because it offers the quickest return on investment and time, don't get me wrong here I'm not suggesting that you steal other peoples work here, I'm just showing you a very quick way that you can start profiting from your efforts as soon as possible with your first project.
There are a couple of types of cloning one of which is outright plagiarism, which I'm not advocating here, the method of cloning I'll be showing you relies heavily on finding a successful competitor and then using their methods. Basically I'm going to quickly show you how to find a profitable niche market and then swipe a successful competitors marketing strategy and apply it to your own business.
Here's how it works, and please remember this is legal, first off your going to need to find a niche market, you might already have an idea, but if not here's how you can do it.
Step 1
As I said a great place to start might be with your own interest's or hobbies, this is not crucial to the method it just makes things go a little quicker in many cases. If you don't have any ideas your going to need to surf the web a little to find a couple of interesting ideas for your first niche market, here's how
Step B.
Now that you have an idea of the markets your going to be researching your going to need to do a little research, for this part you should use Google keywords tool (as it's free), put your niche keyword or phrase into the software and hit enter. The keyword software will return a list of relative keywords to your original entry. With this new list look for something that you think might be profitable.
Step 3.
Hopefully at this point you will have found an area to work in, a keyword or phase, now open another window and enter that keyword or phrase into Google and do a search, in my experience you should be looking for a market of not more than around 150,000 web-sites, on the right hand side of your screen you should make sure there are some sponsored ad's, these are google PPC listings and are crucial to this method. There should be at least five sponsored listings to make the niche viable. Take a look at your competitors websites to establish what they are actually selling.
Step D.
Having established that your potential niche market is profitable you now need to exploit your competition, to carry out this task you will need to download the free version of software called 'Traffic travis', I'm sure there are lots of software applications which do the same but traffic travis is the software I use. Enter your keywords and phrases into the software (follow the video tutorial).
This procedure will establish how many websites are currently bidding on your keywords in the PPC market. We carry out this research only to determine if your competitors are willing to consistently pay money to have their ad appear for those keywords, (I'm not advocating that you get involved with PPC marketing at this point). As you will see Traffic travis is a great tool for spying on your competitors as it not only shows you which keywords are profitable, plus the complete list of keywords they are using to market their website, I'm sure there are many other software applications which do the same research, so feel free to look around!.
Step E.
Once your happy that your potential niche market is profitable you will need to find a product that matches your competition's as closely as possible, you could start from scratch and put your own ebook together if you have, but for this example i'm going to suggest an easier and quicker way. I would suggest finding a suitable PLR book, which gives you complete rights. You should find a PLR product which allows you to edit and re-brand, the PLR license will look something like this:
100% FULL Unrestricted PLR Rights License, You may do with this product as You please
[Yes] Has Sales Page
[Yes] Can be given away.
[Yes] Can be packaged.
[Yes] Can be offered as a bonus.
[Yes] Can Be Edited Completely and Your Name Put on it.
[Yes] Can be used as web content
[Yes] Can be broken down into articles
[Yes] Can be added to paid membership sites
[Yes] Can be offered through auction sites.
[Yes] Can sell Resale Rights
[Yes] Can sell Master Resale Rights
[Yes] Can sell Private Label Rights
You can find PLR ebooks and packages on almost any subject you like, try searching via the Internet PLR products on your chosen niche market. The age of the product is not really to important as you will probably ad to it, don't worry about finding a product with sales material as more often than not its complete rubbish anyway. You could also try a search on eBay, I've personally found quite a few PLR products there. When you have your PLR product / ebook I suggest you take it apart and start adding to it, what your trying to achieve her is a unique looking product, while the contents of the book may be good, they may also be a little dated or stale, take a look at the bullet lists within your competitors sales copy and then go to a few relative forums to research these bullets, now you can ad this extra info into your book. When you've completed your ebook you will need to turn the file into a PDF to allow everyone to download and read, you can get a free software to carry out this step here: ***Link removed in order to comply with article publishing guidelines***. You will need a new e-cover, some graphics and a header to use on your new niche web-site, Here's a great free software you can download which works very well:
Free header software here:
Now that you have your niche marketing ebook PDF, complete with your own branded e-book cover, some good graphics and header you will need a good sales page for your website. For this step I would suggest you head back over to your competitors web-sites and read the sales copy of each, see which copy is most captivating and works, now copy & paste all of the text from the website that works the best into a notepad. You may want to ad to the copy or write your sales page yourself, if this is the case and you have no experience take a look at my resource links for sales copy-writing help
Assuming your going to do things the easy way you will need to alter the sales copy to make it relevant to your own product and to avoid any plagiarism repercussions . Remember that the copy works for your competitor so be very careful not to disrupt the overall flow of the copy, try to keep things as close as possible to the original, without actually plagiarizing it as that would be illegal.
Marketing your new niche product (web-site) will be your next task, the best place to start will again be through researching your successful competitors methods as their methods are obviously making them money
Happy cloning.
About the Author:
Free niche marketing help at http://www.niche-factor.com/Finding-A-Profitable-Niche-Market.html Take a look at this brand new sales copy writing course The Web Copy Crash Course discounted with this link
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